
How to Prepare Your Dog for Their First Grooming Appointment

How to Prepare Your Dog for Their First Grooming Appointment

As your puppy grows, you want to get them more familiar with the world around them. Once they have their vaccinations at around 10-12 weeks, you should take the time get them a professional grooming appointment. Not only will this service leave them smelling fresh and looking great, but it can also be a good test run to familiarize them with grooming techniques and practices. As pros in mobile pet grooming in Columbus, OH, we help many new puppies become comfortable with these appointments. As a pet owner, there are a few things you can do to prepare your dog for their first grooming session.

Get Them Used to Grooming

When you have a puppy, you should implement habits that will get them more accustomed to grooming. Practice trimming their nails so that they become familiar with these practices before you hand them over to professional. Clean their ears, touch their paws, and brush their teeth before their first appointment.

Put Them on Raised Surfaces

One thing that may surprise your puppy at their first grooming appointment is the raised table. Instead of shocking your puppy with this change, put them on raised surfaces in your home to practice. Take a folding table outside in your yard to avoid putting them on your kitchen table, as this can create a bad habit. Put them on a picnic table or outdoor table that gives them perspective from this angle.

Give Them a Bath

Do not take your puppy to a groomer without ever exposing them to a bath. When you have a young puppy, you want to introduce them to the feeling of being wet by soaking them with the hose, taking them out in the rain, or giving them a bath in your bathtub or laundry tub.

Play with Their Ears and Paws

Touching your puppy’s ears and paws will help get them acquainted with the process of grooming. By getting them familiar with frequent touching of their bellies, ears, and paws, you ensure that they do not develop any aggressive behaviors once you place them in the hands of a professional groomer.

Familiarize Them with Noises

Noises are another important thing you should expose your puppies to before sending them to the groomer. Make noises with pots and pans to practice clanking and banging, which may occur on metal surfaces with the groomer. By introducing them to strange noises, you prevent any negative reactions to sudden and loud noises throughout their lives.

Reward Positive Behavior

Training your puppy is another important consideration, as you should practice ways to reward positive behavior. Enforce positive behavior with treats or words of affirmation that will help your puppy learn to continue those behaviors. By enforcing this at home, you can also encourage your groomer to do the same.

By taking these steps to prepare your dog, they will have a more successful first grooming session. This will make them more comfortable with the grooming process. If you are looking for a convenient grooming professional, you should consider our pros for mobile pet grooming in Clermont, FL. Contact Emi Pet to get an appointment for your puppy today.

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