Does your furry friend appear itchier than normal? If you've witnessed your dog scratching, licking, or chewing their skin more than average, they've probably had a run-in with fleas. These parasites are standard for dogs and cause various issues, from severe itchiness to hair loss and skin conditions. Luckily, with a little patience, you can successfully terminate fleas and take measures to prevent them from returning.
If your pet has a problem with fleas, you may see:
You should also routinely treat your canine with flea prevention medication. It's always best to check with your vet about their flea treatment and prevention recommendations, particularly if your dog has allergies or sensitive skin.
Our experts on mobile pet grooming in Clermont, FL, also carry natural flea-deterring products to help keep your pup bite and itch-free!
Once you've established that your dog is definitely infested with fleas, you'll need to make efforts to kill and oust these parasites. Various products are advised for flea treatment, from shampoos and powders to medicines. Your treatment protocol will rely on how badly your canine is overrun. It's conceivable your pup just picked up a flea or two from a frolic in the dog park. If this is the circumstance, less forceful treatment will work just right. If your pup is infested, however, you'll have to try a variety of therapies. A bath with flea shampoo can handle most adult fleas, and a brush out with a fine comb will extract any larvae attached to your dog's hair.
Our groomers offer baths with flea shampoos during our grooming services. But if you're dropping your canine off for professional grooming, warn the groomer of the flea problem, and they will use flea-removing products for the grooming session. Our flea shampoos also eradicate bugs, larva, and eggs of canine lice.
Treating your pet is just the first step in attacking a flea infestation. The lifecycle of these parasites makes a one-and-done treatments ineffective. While shampoos and medicines remove fleas from your pup, there may still be fleas around your house. You must treat your residence to prevent re-infection from happening.
Dogs pick up fleas from the outside environment or from other canines that are plagued with fleas. The best way to deal with flea infestation is deterence. Medicines that protect your pup from fleas offer months of prevention - speak with your vet to see which label and dose is right for your pup. Routine grooming will also help control fleas.
While noticing a flea on your best buddy is an awful sight, it's common for any dog owner. Sadly, these parasites are resilient and located all over the environment. However, with the appropriate treatment and prevention efforts like mobile pet grooming in Clermont, FL, you can save your pet from the itchy effects of these malicious bugs.