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Tips for Managing Your Dog's Anxiety

Tips for Managing Your Dog's Anxiety

Anxiety is ordinary in dogs and provokes them to display problematic behaviors. This is frustrating and unfortunate for pet owners - we all hope our dogs will be happy and healthy. Many contributing elements can provoke your canine's anxiety. Like humans, dogs respond to stressful situations and express their emotions differently. If your pup suffers from anxiety, you are not alone! This is a typical issue that many pet parents encounter, and fortunately, there are many ways to ...

Tips for Getting Rid of Fleas

Tips for Getting Rid of Fleas

Does your furry friend appear itchier than normal? If you've witnessed your dog scratching, licking, or chewing their skin more than average, they've probably had a run-in with fleas. These parasites are standard for dogs and cause various issues, from severe itchiness to hair loss and skin conditions. Luckily, with a little patience, you can successfully terminate fleas and take measures to prevent them from returning. Symptoms and Signs of Fleas If your pet has...

Four Perks of Hiring a Professional Grooming Service

Four Perks of Hiring a Professional Grooming Service

Grooming is about much more than just looking and feeling great. When you provide your pet with quality and consistent grooming, you give them a healthy coat, which promotes their overall health. You also keep their nails trimmed, preventing any issues that may arise from overgrowth. As professionals that specialize in mobile grooming in Clermont, FL, we treat your pets like our own and ensure they leave looking great and feeling healthy. These are just a few of the many perks that profession...

Does My Cat Need to Be Groomed?

Does My Cat Need to Be Groomed?

Cats groom themselves, so that must mean they do not require any additional grooming, right? Wrong. Cats still require grooming to help them stay clean, fresh, and safe despite the fact that they do self-groom. Regular bathing, brushing, and nail trimming is quite common for many cats, especially those that are around people most of the time. As experts that offer mobile pet grooming in Clermont, FL, we are here to help. These are a few questions to better understand cat grooming practices....

Five Ways to Reduce Dog Shedding

Five Ways to Reduce Dog Shedding

Shedding is often the number one complaint we here from our dog owners. While we all love our ultra-furry friends, our carpets, furniture, and clothes have something else to say about all the fur they leave behind on them. As grooming experts offering mobile grooming in Clermont, FL, we understand all about dog hair – and we are here to clue you in. These are just a few tips to help those furry dog owners reduce shedding in their homes. Brush Your Dog Often The bes...

Four Signs You Need to Trim Your Dog’s Nails

Four Signs You Need to Trim Your Dog’s Nails

Trimming your dog’s nail may be the last thing on your mind. You brush them, you bathe them, and you keep them nice and fed – and happy. But do you pay attention to their nails? Nail hygiene is also another important grooming practice you should keep in mind when you own a dog. In fact, untrimmed nails can present issues, such as breaking, bleeding, or even growing into their feet, if they are not properly maintained. As expert mobile dog grooming in Clermont, FL, we offer nail tr...

How Often You Should Groom Your Dog

How Often You Should Groom Your Dog

Let's face it, pet parents are active people. And while getting in the practice of feeding, playing, and taking out the pup is something most pet parents have perfected, many hounds are missing out on a regular grooming schedule. Having your canine groomed is an excellent way to maintain your dog's health and appearance. It also helps clean your dog's coat, skin, ears, paws, and sanitary places. As we specialize in mobile pet grooming in Clermont, FL, many pet owners ask...

Four Advantages of Mobile Grooming Services

Four Advantages of Mobile Grooming Services

Mobile dog grooming has achieved popularity recently, but if you've never utilized a mobile service before, you may wonder how mobile dog grooming even works. And what the upside of using the service is over traditional pet salons. While some advantages like convenience are apparent, there are other benefits to consider. Our experts on mobile dog grooming in Clermont, FL, offer these reasons you should give mobile dog grooming a chance: Stress-Free Environment Groomi...

Taking the Anxiety Out of Nail Trims

Taking the Anxiety Out of Nail Trims

Trimming nails is the least favorite of all the responsibilities performed by veterinary healthcare experts. Canines do not appreciate nail trims either. Our mobile pet grooming experts in Clermont, FL, offer a few ways to make trimming nails less stressful for both canines and humans. Desensitizing older hounds to nail trimming requires patience. You cannot rush the process. ObserveInstead, monitor your dog's reaction as you observe the steps below and duplicate actions if your...

Five Ways to Get a Skittish Dog to Trust You

Five Ways to Get a Skittish Dog to Trust You

Whether you're the new owner of a nervous shelter dog or the well-meaning neighbor of a fearful canine next door, you'd likely love to be one of that pup's new buddies. As more and more individuals prefer to adopt dogs from shelters instead of purchasing from breeders, more people are sharing their lives with terrified dogs. Amazingly, more shelter dogs are given a second chance! However, many individuals are completely unprepared to teach a scared pup to trust them....

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